
Camera Obscura - French Navy -small .jpg 
Belle & Sebastian接班樂團加盟4AD心碎鉅作
媲美Abba、The Beach Boys的花草抒情經典

一路追隨蘇格蘭格拉斯哥樂隊Camera Obscura至今壽夥夤夢酴酲酺酹他們是少數張張質量俱佳的最好典範,以純情近乎書呆子的學生風範摦摥搴摽箋粺粹精把玩復古味十足的Twee Pop與校園民謠曲式,主唱Tracyanne Campbell眉頭深鎖的憂鬱摦摥搴摽徹徶慺慘撰寫出一首又一首失敗的戀情、被拒絕的心碎。早年獲同鄉花草指標Belle & Sebastian主腦Stuart Murdoch提攜製作,經典〈Eighties Fan〉受到BBC知名電台主持John Peel選為年度十大單曲箅箑筵箐匱匰厬厭日後藉著《Underachievers Please Try Harder》打入國際舞台,獲AMG四顆半星/Pitchfork 8.0等傳媒好評。

全新第四張專輯《My Maudlin Career》自大象廠跳至歷史悠久的4AD,似有意追隨該廠黑暗文藝風格,Tracyanne Campbell表示「歌詞從來沒有這麼暴力過」,然而她指的其實是最甜蜜哀傷的撕裂心痛。〈French Navy〉以豐富的管弦樂氣勢開場,彷彿延續〈Lloyd, I’m Ready to Be Heartbroken〉的恢宏架式;〈Swans〉叮咚敲擊著他們的招牌復古Chamber Pop;〈James〉感傷流露Velvet Underground的恬淡吉他;〈My Maudlin Career〉則洋溢晶瑩色澤的迴音,自述著這一輩子的流淚生涯…全輯再度由長期合作的The Concretes招牌製作人Jari Haapalainen操刀,整張絲毫沒有失敗作品,俯拾皆是單曲等級,愈聽愈能感受那錐心且喚不回的青春。談戀愛的你啊,是否準備好要流淚了呢…

Camera Obscura - French Navy原始mv


Camera Obscura - French Navy

Artist: Camera Obscura
Album: My Maudlin Career  
Title: French Navy

Spent a week in a dusty library
Waiting for some words to jump at me
We met by a trick of fate
French navy my sailor mate
We met by the moon on a silvery lake
You came my way
Said, I want you to stay

You with your dietary restrictions
Said you loved me with a lot of conviction
I was waiting to be struck by lightning
Waiting for somebody exciting
Like you
Oh, the thing that you do
You make me go ooh
With the things that you do (you do, you do)

I wanted to control it
But love, I couldn't hold it
I wanted to control it
But love, I couldn't hold it

I'll be criticized for lending out my eye
I was criticized for letting you break my heart
Why would I stand the disappointed looks
Fooling all(?) but wanted looks
Ooh with the looks
Oh tender heart,
Ooh, with the looks, the looks, the looks

I wanted to control it
But love, I couldn't hold it
I wanted to control it
But love, I couldn't hold it

Relationships were something I used to do
Convince me they are better for me and you
We met by a trick of fate
French navy, my sailor
I wanted to control it
But love, I couldn't hold it
I wanted to control it
But love, I couldn't hold it


Spent a week in a dusty library 在充滿灰塵的圖書館度過一個禮拜
Waiting for some words to jump at me 等待那些能夠讓我雀躍的文字
We met by a trick of fate 命運般 我們用詐欺當作見面
French navy my sailor mate 法國海軍 我的船員夥伴們
We met by the moon on a silvery lake 我們透過銀色光澤的湖上明月碰面
You came my way 路上你遇見了我
Said, I want you to stay 對我說  我想要你留下來

You with your dietary restrictions 你帶著你飲食制約
Said you loved me with a lot of conviction 說有足夠的證據說你愛我
I was waiting to be struck by lightning    我在等著天雷勾動地火的那一刻
Waiting for somebody exciting 等著能為我帶給我無限激動的人
Like you 就像你一樣
Oh, the thing that you do 喔~你做的事情
You make me go ooh   讓我對了味
With the things that you do (you do, you do)因為你做了這些事情 你做了 你做了!

I wanted to control it 我想要控制它
But love, I couldn't hold it 但是愛了!!我根本把持不住它!!
I wanted to control it 我想要控制住它
But love, I couldn't hold it 但是愛上了!我根本無法停下!!

I'll be criticized for lending out my eye 我將批評  把我的眼睛外借給別人
I was criticized for letting you break my heart我要苛求 讓你使我心都破碎了...
Why would I stand the disappointed looks 為甚麼失望看著的那一位是我?
Fooling all(?) but wanted looks 欺騙著所有的人 但是看起來又不是
Ooh with the looks 只看外表的
Oh tender heart, 喔...一顆敏感又脆弱的心
Ooh, with the looks, the looks, the looks 只重外表 重外表 重外表

I wanted to control it 我想要控制它
But love, I couldn't hold it 但是愛了!!我根本把持不住它!!
I wanted to control it 我想要控制住它
But love, I couldn't hold it 但是愛上了!我根本無法停下!!

Relationships were something I used to do  我曾經是關係中的一環
Convince me they are better for me and you 使我更相信他們有助於你和我之間
We met by a trick of fate 命運般 我們用詐欺當作見面
French navy my sailor mate 法國海軍 我的船員夥伴們
I wanted to control it 我想要控制它
But love, I couldn't hold it 但是愛了!!我根本把持不住它!!
I wanted to control it 我想要控制住它
But love, I couldn't hold it 但是愛上了!我根本無法停下!!


果然非常的棒...不得不說那嗓音超級迷人的就跟我上次聽到羅素紅小姐Russian Red一樣棒嗓音
這是Camera Obscura心碎最新代表作 - 我的流淚生涯
酷...愛死了 現在聽她其他首 這復古搖滾的調味我非常喜歡:)



難得我竟然發表介紹文吧   給點掌聲吧! 暴牙好棒暴牙好棒!!!哈哈哈  真是太棒了!法國海軍船員夥伴們


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